REHS Courses

Phylmar Academy is an Accreditation Agency for REHS and a Recognized Provider of Continuing Education courses.

If you are an REHS, you can receive a 20% discount for your first course by contacting

BioPharma Basics
In Development -- BioPharma Basics is a 40-hour e-learning course that presents occupational hygienists and others with the basics of the BioPharma industry. Beginning with the history of pharmaceuticals, and ranging through detailed material on processes, technologies, exposure assessment, controls and safe handling, this course is a thorough introduction to the industry.

The course is a collaboration with the Occupational Hygiene Training Association (OHTA).


Disaster Preparedness for Business
40% of businesses do not recover from a disaster. The purpose of this online e-learning course is to discuss what man-made and natural disasters are and how to deal with the consequences.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 2.0


Ethics for EHS Professionals Online 3.0
In this 2-hour online course, through interactive activities using case studies and scenarios, we will examine the fundamental causes of our actions and examine the Code of Ethics for both health and safety professionals with an emphasis on Industrial Hygiene.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 2.0

This course meets the Ethics Requirement of ABIH.


Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene
The purpose of this e-learning course to is familiarize you with industrial hygiene practices and controls. This knowledge will help you develop the skills necessary to proactively recognize hazards and potential solutions in your workplace. You will help to minimize risks to workers from a variety of hazards and help create a healthier and happier work environment.
This is a course on workplace health and safety with emphasis on industrial hygiene, not the field of safety. It is NOT a certification, nor is it certification prep. It is an introduction and a very general one to safety and industrial hygiene.
Developed in partnership with the Occupational Hygiene Training Association.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 2.0


Fundamentals of Workplace Safety (EHS)
The purpose of this e-learning course to is familiarize you with occupational health and safety hazards and their controls. This knowledge will help you develop the skills necessary to proactively recognize hazards and potential solutions in your workplace. You will help to minimize risks to workers from a variety of hazards and help create a healthier and happier work environment.
This is NOT a course on industrial hygiene and NOT a certification. It is an introduction to the principles of occupational safety and industrial hygiene.
Developed in partnership with the Occupational Hygiene Training Association.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 2.0


Preventing Construction Injuries: OSHA'S Focus Four Workplace Hazards
This e-learning course covers OSHA Construction Focus Four Workplace Hazards in depth. The Focus Four Hazards are Falls, Struck-By Object Hazards, Caught-In and -Between Hazards, and Electrocution.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 6.0


Preventing Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens at Work
This e-learning course provides the learner with the knowledge to know the risks of exposure, procedures and controls for preventing exposure, and procedures folloowing exposure to infectious materials. This course provides a Certificate of Completion. While it includes coverage of OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) as amended pursuant to the 2000 Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act, it does not provide OSHA certification.
Contact hours/REHS Contact hours: 1.0


Preventing Workplace Slips, Trips, and Falls
The purpose of this e-learning course to is help managers and employees to put in place and effectively use controls, policies and procedures to significantly reduce injuries at the workplace through slips, trips and falls.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 1.0


Preventing Workplace Violence - Fundamentals
This e-learning course lays the groundwork for companies to meet Cal/OSHA’s Workplace Violence training requirement per §3343. Since Cal/OSHA standards are among the most protective in the nation, following its guidelines is advisable wherever the workplace is located.

To fully meet the training requirement, employers must additionally provide company-specific and/or facility-specific information.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 1.0


Preventing Workplace Violence - Sexual Harassment Training
In this e-learning course, you’ll learn what a respectful workplace looks like, how to recognize harassment and discrimination, and what laws are in place to safeguard the workplace. We’ll then dig into the specifics of sexual harassment, including how to prevent and respond to inappropriate behavior as both an employee and a manager.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 1.5


Preventing Workplace Violence - Workplace Harassment and Bullying
In this e-learning course, you’ll learn what a respectful workplace looks like, how to recognize harassment and discrimination, and what laws are in place to safeguard the workplace. We’ll then dig into the specifics of workplace harassment, including how to prevent and respond to inappropriate behavior as both an employee and a manager.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 1.5


Preventing Work-Related Back Injuries
The purpose of this e-learning course to is help managers and employees to put in place and effectively use controls, policies and procedures to significantly reduce work-related back injuries.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 1.0


Protect Yourself: Wildfire Smoke Employee Training
This e-learning training is specifically for workers in three states that have regulations to protect employees from the health hazards of wildfire smoke -- California, Washington State and Oregon. The course is also beneficial for employees in other states who may be exposed to wildfire smoke even if their state does not have a regulation.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 1.0


Risk Communication
The purpose of this e-learning course is to assist those responsible for environmental, health, or safety issues to effectively communicate risk information to employees, community members, and the media. You will gain an understanding of how risk is perceived and learn the best approaches to communicating risk. You will understand which computer-based applications can be used successfully in risk communication. Case studies and real world examples (including COVID-19) are incorporated into the course.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 5.0


Walkthrough Hazard Assessment Training
This e-learning course is designed to teach not only production, location, and safety managers, but also cast and crew to recognize potential hazards associated with the various types of buildings used by film and television productions. It will educate on the various common building-related hazards in the industry that can increase health risks to workers, potentially leading to disease or death, if left unexamined.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 2.5


Workplace Emergencies: What You Need to Know
This e-learning course will provide you and your company with basic emergency procedures for all kinds of emergencies including weather, hazardous materials, workplace violence, suspicious packages, civil disturbances and more.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 1.0


Workplace Safety Basics for New Hires
This e-learning course will introduce new employees (and veteran employees, too) to the fundamentals of workplace safety, demonstrating the importance the company places on its safety culture. The course is designed to cover the basic hazards and precautions that most workers need to be aware of.
Contact hours/REHS contact hours: 1.0
