Overview (This course is for individuals and not for profit organizations only.)
The purpose of this 2 1/2 - 3 hour online course to is familiarize you with occupational health and safety hazards and their control. This knowledge will help you develop the skills necessary to proactively recognize hazards and potential solutions in your workplace. You will help to minimize risks to workers from a variety of hazards and help create a healthier and happier work environment.
This is NOT a course on industrial hygiene and NOT a certification. It is an introduction and a very general one to safety and industrial hygiene.
Developed in partnership with the Occupational Hygiene Training Association.
Getting From Here to There
Training includes an awareness overview of:
- Occupational Safety and Health Program components - including Risk Assessment, Accident Investigation and more
- Chemical Hazards - including GHS
- Occupational Disease
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Physical Hazards - including Hearing Loss Prevention, Heat Illness, Electrical Safety, Confined Space, Compresed Gas, Struck By
- Ergonomics
- PPE - including Respiratory Protection
- Fire Prevention
- Situational Awareness
Single seat - $179
Non-profit organizations - $50 per person with prior approval from OHTA. Please contact OHTA for registration details.
For other organizations, please register for either Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene or Fundamentals of EHS.
Who Should Attend
Workers and supervisors who are involved in or interested the protection of workers and themselves from workplace hazards. Members of Worker/Management Safety committees.
"Really a great course! Thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience." "Fundamental knowledge for those that have zero exposure to OSH is important.”
Lawrence Sloan, MBA, CAE
Chief Executive Officer